Once upon a time there was a little girl name my name, yes Marilyn, because I'm the main character. So I found a portal that goes to a jungle a lot and I'm not sure what its name is. We are finishing up a four day middle school tech summer camp. It’s where the students get a chance to write using technology. This year’s theme is we're calling it, making. Where the students are not only doing writing and also producing video using a digital tool called popcorn maker and their also using another digital tool called X-ray goggles. Where their working with coding and how coding works on web pages. And they can go in and change the difference information on a word page. So their learning how to make, instead of just doing the writing and how that applies to real life situations. It gets the children familiar with technology because that’s the big shift in education today. Getting them to use technology and understanding that writing comes in many different forms it’s not just putting pencil to paper anymore. I think it’s really important to Central because it’s a community outreach program and I think its reaching out to the community and its showing that it’s much more, it has much more focused on campus instead of just the students that are here on campus but also they care about the community and they want to make sure they are doing what they can to educate the students outside of the campus. Watch Videos On YouTube Click Button Below.